⚛ī¸Server Information

Everything you need to know in our server!

Server Information:

  • Server Type: PK Server

  • Episode: 13.2 - Into the Unknown

  • Max Base Level: 255

  • Max Job Level: 120

  • Max Stats: 255

  • Max ASPD: 196

  • Instant Cast (Dex): 150

  • Storage Capacity: 600

  • Max Party Capacity: 12

  • Max Guild Capacity: 76

  • Max WoE/KoE Capacity: TBD

Server Rates:

  • Base & Job EXP: 5,000x

  • Drop Rate: 1,000x

  • Normal Card Drop: 10%

  • MvP Card Drop: 5%

  • Rare Card Drop: 0.50% to 1%

Other Information:

  • Multi Client: Enabled

  • GameGuard: Gepard Shield 3.0

  • Lite Graphic Plugin: Enabled

  • Fast Refresh Client: Enabled

  • Server Host: Japan

  • Timezone: GMT + 8

Last updated